Motivational Stories: Moses Liberator Israel


Everyone has a purpose in life, no matter how large or small they may seem. Be small or think you are not worth anything should never sway you from achieving something positive in life. Anyone can bring about change, and they do not have to be born rich to bring about this change. The change moving can be a person or thousands of people. This may seem impossible as many seem to never know what life’s path. It’s okay to be unsure of your path where a person is not born with a map of life. Motivation is all one needs to be in a position to achieve its purpose in life and overcome obstacles placed head.


A good example of someone who overcame all obstacles can be seen in the story of Moses the prophet. Moses was born to Hebrew Israelite family at a time when all male Hebrew children were killed. Hope was lost in Hebrew at the time of many Hebrew parents fear birth to a son only to have a son snatched from their hands. All hope was not lost Hebrew since the baby was born to free them from the hands of terrorism.

This child was none other than Moses, at the time that he was not born Hebrew thought Moses was going to be a great man, let alone that he would live to adulthood. It was through the fate of Moses birth was hidden from the Egyptian authorities, and it was through fate that Moses was approved by the Egyptian princess and raised the Egyptian royal household.

You could say that Moses was raised with the silver spoon, but it dramatically changed as he grew up. To protect a Hebrew, Moses killed the Egyptian and had to flee from everything he knew where he had done something wrong. The desert was not easy for Moses, but it is in the desert, he found true purpose. God called him to help liberate the Hebrews from slavery.

Even with a call from God, Moses was first skeptical since he was stammer and did not think he could lead anyone. He also saw himself as an outcast and not think anyone in their right mind would want to follow him. Moses overcame his fear, however, appointed his brother Aaron as his spokesman and set out what would have of him. Liberate the Hebrews was not smooth sailing from Moses was faced with many trials of Egyptian Pharaoh. Even with these afflictions, Moses still managed to free his people from the time he knew what He was and would not depart from it.

You can learn much from the story of Moses. You learn the decision and have faith in God and yourself can help you succeed. Moses thought of himself as a murderer and traitor yet he still won his past to set out to achieve great things. The past should never hold or prevent you from putting on more positive and fulfilling future in life.


Source by Jeremiah Say

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