Best Friendship Quotes explaining to Make Better Friendship


We often come across a friendship quotes that were once said men and women of high intelligence. But very few of us really know how deep meaning their leaves. Today we will have a look at some of the best friendship quotes with explanations to make your friendships better. This will certainly enable you to understand the finer aspects of friendship and what it is that makes it so wonderful.

“With true friends, even water drunk is sweet enough.” – Chinese Proverb

Well, no one can deny that friendship makes life worth living. No matter how hostile conditions turn out to be, if you have a friend next to you, things do not seem so bad. They are the ones who support us through and act as pillars of strength when we have no incentive to continue.

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together” – Woodrow Wilson

Since a very long, the entire world had is obsessed with power and enslavement of fellow human beings. Constant enmity with one another could lead to devastating wars that have killed millions. Friendship is a term which may decide to make the world a better place to live in. Empathy for each other that makes us realize how important it is to live together in peace and live in harmony.

“Friendship needs no words.” – Dag Hammerskjold

The basic principal behind true friendship is complete understanding between individuals. This builds over a period of time and the little things about the other person opens a window to his / her heart. The best part about friendship is the fact that you do not make yourself understood with the help of a lot of words. Communication occurs is through attitude and compassion each other.

“Few delights can equal mere existence of something that we absolutely trust” – George MacDonald

In the present times, it is very difficult to trust the person. Everywhere you look, you will find a group of opportunists who are gearing up to move forward in life at their own expense. Your friend on the other hand, is someone you can bet your life on. He / she will never let you down and provide you with the much needed feeling of security. Even if the whole world goes against you, your friend will always be there to guide and support you.

“Good friends are like stars. You do not always see them but you know they are always there.” – Anonymous

There are a lot of people who have had to move for career or for other reasons. But that certainly does not mean that distance affects friendships individual in an adverse way. While you might not be able to meet them often or call them every now and then, in your heart you must know that they will be by your side when you need them most. You may be out of sight, but nothing can take you out of their minds. Friendship binds two hearts in the bond of love and there is absolutely nothing that can come between them.


Source by Puneet Wilson

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