How to Improve confidence – Master Law of Attraction


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there on,” said Theodore Roosevelt, who recognized the true potential of the human being. Unfortunately, most people do not reach the deep level of thought and experience little or no results in their lives, because they lack confidence.

In today’s society we can not afford to learn how to improve confidence. If we want to progress and succeed in life, if we want to get things done and achieve the impossible, we need to start building our character, we need to call in self highest potential that we can be.

So, how do you add confidence? That is the million dollar question …
It all starts with a thought. Think you can do it! Henry Ford knows very well that “if you can, or can not, you’re right.” In other words, what you believe about yourself, you will.

In addition, you are here today because the recent repeated your thoughts. What you think about yourself before you say or do anything, is planted on a subliminal level, the subconscious mind, seed operations.

If you say constantly to yourself things like: I can not, I’m not good, I’m not sure how I do not know how to … but do you know what will happen? You will get exactly what you think! Ask and you will receive is not just a saying – it’s true law and how the visible and invisible universe.

Successful people have the confidence, self-esteem and self-respect because they know the true hidden power of human nature, and they plant the right seeds in the right time, which means they build continuously their mind and attitude as CEO would build their business – from the ground up, with close attention.

A key to improving confidence plays on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life and the environment pretty much what you think about or believe in. And if these thoughts are also attached to feelings or emotions, they attract what you think about with even more force and power, like a magnet.

This is very important because if you want to improve your confidence, you need to realize that all thoughts of insecurity and low self-esteem, when mixed with feelings of fear, anxiety and disappointment will only attract more fear and insecurity and low self-esteem.

I recommend using the law of attraction in a different way … conscious rather than subconsciously.

Select your thoughts every day. Select thoughts confidence and ability. Mix this thoughts with feelings of gratitude and you will soon realize that confidence is improving, simply because you say so. Consciously.

The Law of Attraction works for both types of people: those who believe that they are great and deserved success, and those who believe that they are poor and deserved misery or failure. The question is: What do you think about yourself? And how do you put new thoughts into your mind to attract success instead of failure?

One way is to use affirmations and statements. Write down positive words, inspirational quotes and motivational words on a daily basis. Repeat this again and again, several times a day, first thing in the morning, throughout the day and late at night, or before you go to bed. Make them part of your thinking habits, and eliminate and replace non supportive thoughts every time you are aware of them.


Source by Dr.

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