Tattoo Lettering – Tips and Ideas for unique and extraordinary Quotes and Word Tattoos


Tattoo lettering is hot and the rage now in the world of body art. With almost every amateur likewise endanger their own words or reference tattoo him, the battle is now that one has a unique or most original performance. Here are some tips and ideas that you can contemplate to make a lettering tattoo stand out.

Make it a significant and personally to you. Not just a design for the sake of having it tattooed on your body. Choose something meaningful in life, which means you can connect it or tell a story about it. Say for example, if you have been through a tough time in your life and you were able to overcome it, you can get inspirational quotes to symbolize this moment. How about “If you can find path with no obstacles, probably does not lead anywhere.”

Heritage matter if you are going to foreign lettering tat. It is very common to see letterings in Italian, Kanji or Chinese. However, if you are not from any of these places, it does not seem to make sense, very obvious that you are just going with fashion or popularity.

Keep it short and sweet. Whether it is from the poem, movie line, a Bible text or lyrics from the song, choose short quotations seem to have the most impact. Examples of short tattoo quotes are:

“Be not afraid.” “Risk It All” “Breathe” and “So it goes”

Moreover, design wise, they are more practical to have in the long run. As you know, tats may fade overtime and may require touch-ups in the future.

places, places, locations. For short quotes, the best place would be a foot, wrist, back of the neck, ankle and arm. For longer print tats, ideal body parts were ribs, shoulder blades, back and hip area.

Just remember, when you have that word tattooed on you, the journey does not end there. You need to be a tattoo lettering to make it readable and always glowing all the time.


Source by Peter Brat

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