“The Power How” by Tom Stone – businessman’s Review


Pure Awareness. GAP meditation. Agape technology. Not commonly heard or used words in the business world. But it is possible to book as Tom Stone’s “The Power How” can actually be a powerful business book? In this short book review, I review how power from a purely business owners perspective and will discuss the business applications of this work Tom Stone.

Tom Stone is not your typical business book writer. Although I’ve never met him, I imagine that he is not even aware that he is a business book writer. There are few “motivational quotes,” and even fewer “Business Case program” mentioned in his books. His latest book, The Power of How’s no exception. My first reading was from a purely “personal development” concerns. Like many people, I believe that if I do not grow, I’m dying. Power How wonderful and powerful personal development book, which presents some ancient but very timely means to live in a state “Pure Consciousness.” A situation where your actions / thoughts / decisions are taken off awareness, not from the past, potentially faulty condition. Stone makes a powerful analogy that we humans have internal software that acts as our operating system. As computers, this software can be full of “bugs”, “viruses” or simply be outdated. Upgrades and clean out the software is able to live a life of awareness. Getting rid of these “bugs” is the main focus of this book.

My second reading was from the perspective of the business owner. As many experts in the business, I am thirsty for information / techniques that allow me to add my efficiency. In short, I want to serve my clients better and make more money! When in this mode, I have no time for words like “pure consciousness” nor time for meditation. I want hard and fast tips for immediate improvement that I can implement immediately and realize immediate benefits. And though there are no obvious business improvement tips, this book is full of self-improvement, or rather, self-upgrade ideas, once fully integrated, will show positive results in my business. Understanding that our different areas of life are all connected is the key to realize the power How is business book.

There, the Personal Development side of me is in violation of the Business Owner side. One seeks knowledge during the performance. However, regardless of the “mode” I’m in, there is one irrefutable truth: If the models that I build my decisions on are flawed, are my results likely to be flawed as well. I take the same “mind” to me when I’m negotiating a deal and when I’m watching my son play baseball. The same brain that design successful marketing strategies for my clients is also the same brain that makes decisions about where my family and I will vacation. And if my mind or brain has some “bugs” the opinions and / or design will be flawed as well. Maybe they will be effective, but not as effective as they could be if my operating system was running at full speed.

Tom Stone The Power Of How will most likely never see the boardroom, but is sure to find its way to the tape several EXECUTIVE is. Anyone who wants to improve their efficiency should start by improving themselves. I strongly recommend that those who work for me they read this book; tell them that it is important that they keep an open mind and realize that to improve the operation efficiency of the first, they need to improve!

As for me, I have experienced amazing results using this book, and has also seen an unexpected improvement in my business suit. Remove faulty programming and “upgrade my operating system,” (two great similar) has been one of the most dramatic improvements life I’ve done fifteen years my personal development. Bravo, Mr. Stone !!! Job very well done


Source by T. Patrick Phelps

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