Tattoo Lettering – Tips and Ideas for unique and extraordinary Quotes and Word Tattoos


Tattoo lettering is hot and the rage now in the world of body art. With almost every amateur likewise endanger their own words or reference tattoo him, the battle is now that one has a unique or most original performance. Here are some tips and ideas that you can contemplate to make a lettering tattoo stand out.

Make it a significant and personally to you. Not just a design for the sake of having it tattooed on your body. Choose something meaningful in life, which means you can connect it or tell a story about it. Say for example, if you have been through a tough time in your life and you were able to overcome it, you can get inspirational quotes to symbolize this moment. How about “If you can find path with no obstacles, probably does not lead anywhere.”

Heritage matter if you are going to foreign lettering tat. It is very common to see letterings in Italian, Kanji or Chinese. However, if you are not from any of these places, it does not seem to make sense, very obvious that you are just going with fashion or popularity.

Keep it short and sweet. Whether it is from the poem, movie line, a Bible text or lyrics from the song, choose short quotations seem to have the most impact. Examples of short tattoo quotes are:

“Be not afraid.” “Risk It All” “Breathe” and “So it goes”

Moreover, design wise, they are more practical to have in the long run. As you know, tats may fade overtime and may require touch-ups in the future.

places, places, locations. For short quotes, the best place would be a foot, wrist, back of the neck, ankle and arm. For longer print tats, ideal body parts were ribs, shoulder blades, back and hip area.

Just remember, when you have that word tattooed on you, the journey does not end there. You need to be a tattoo lettering to make it readable and always glowing all the time.


Source by Peter Brat

Quote Tattoos – Read This Before Getting a Tattoo Quotes


Quote Tattoos, do not get one until you read this! There are some facts that you must know before marks tattoo placed on your body. Follow along here and you will learn what you should consider before getting a quote tattoo.

Having words inked on the body instead of a picture or drawing is something more and more people are doing today.

There are some very meaningful tattoo quotes phrases available that one can choose from and it can become a tattoo on one of the many areas of the body. Doing this will allow the tattoo to serve as a constant reminder of the message.

However, there are some very important things you must think about in advance.

1. Make sure that you use a tattoo artist who is highly experienced in making tattoo phrases. You want to work with an artist who is an expert in drawing manuscripts and letters. Make sure that you see examples of their work in advance. The lettering for tattoos like this is going to be small so you want an artist who knows what he or she is doing and not allow the characters to run together.

2. Make sure that the font you choose the style and font that can be easily read. Of course if you do not become easily prepared, you can go in the opposite direction and have it done with hard to read the script. Generally, it is best to go in print that is too small. Over time, small letters will start and become impossible to read.

3. Consider carefully where you will have the tattoo placed on your body. This is always important for a tattoo, but even more so for reference tattoo. As you age, your body will change. Some areas in the body grow larger, some areas shrink and sag. Consider what is likely to happen in the area of ​​the body where the inscription will be as you get older.

4. Think about what will be best color tattoo inks say. In most cases the artist will suggest black. It is the color that will show the best and wear the best time. There is also a color that is least likely to disappear.

5. Shorter inspirational phrases are generally better. There are not many areas of the body with long sentences can be inked. You will have more choices with a shorter sentence.

6. Finally, consider carefully what the tattoo will tell. Think about what the words mean, and consider whether you will want to be wearing that same message when you are older.


Source by Mark S Myers

The Power of enthusiasm – It can make a real difference


Enthusiasm is actually giving you the power, and it can change your life. But what exactly is it? It can be described in many ways. It is the passion you feel when you’re doing something you really enjoy. It is the energy that is generated as you pursue a goal. It is love: love for people to love what you do, love for nature and life. It is the thing that brings joy into your life and gives it meaning. That’s what helps you succeed. Indeed, without it, the chances of real success are limited. But strangely, few people have it – even though it is there for everyone.

So many people are frustrated by the lack of progress in their work, or their inability to get a good job, or a dull, routine lives. They feel they are a failure. But as Norman Vincent Peale said, “A man can succeed at almost anything he has unlimited enthusiasm … So many people are not really living; .. So many people are failing at life and the reason is the lack of enthusiasm” Peale suggests also to be deliberately made yourself motivated if you set your mind to it. And if you do, it can make a big difference in your life.

Some of the benefits of enthusiasm

interest has many benefit, so many, in fact, it was almost impossible to count them all. Some of the more important ones are listed below.

  • It helps you to overcome the problems and difficulties in life. It attracts way through dry.
  • It revitalizes you – gives you more energy and makes you feel good.
  • It gives you an advantage in your work, or what you are doing. If you are interested in what you are doing, you will do better on it.
  • There is contagious. As your interest for one grows, it will spread to other activities. It is also spread from person to person.
  • It gives you confidence. You will feel better about yourself and your abilities.

But what do you enthusiastic? Let’s look at this.

Characteristics enthusiastic person

There is no doubt that the enthusiastic people are different. Think about the people you know. Some of them are undoubtedly grumpy and negative much of the time, but I’m sure you can think of some that are smiling, happy and enthusiastic lot of time. They are indeed the type of people you like to be around. Their optimism and joy makes you feel good. Let’s look at some of their characteristics.

  • He (or she) has a passion for what he does. Indeed, he seemed to have a force that leads him through the day.
  • He is smiling and seems happy most of the time.
  • He is confident and not spend a lot of time concerns. He does not see the problem as roadblocks, he sees them as a challenge. And he is sure that nothing will stop him from achieving their goals.
  • He is very dedicated. He is not a quitter; when he starts a project he finishes it. He knows where he is going.
  • He lives one day at a time, but plans for the future
  • At the same time, however, he leads a full life and enjoys every minute.

But why interest is so important? Do you really need it to be successful? Actually, you do. There are of course many reasons for the importance of ‘. Some of them are:

  • It makes life more complete, and more enjoyable. Enthusiastic people are rarely bored; they are always busy and look forward to their next project. And they love to try new things.
  • enthusiastic people get things done – usually much faster and better.
  • enthusiastic people are generally good relations. body language and tone of voice is uplifting; it shows their interest. And therefore are attracted to them and enjoy being with them.

So, if the interest is so important, how do we take advantage of it? The following gives some useful tips.

How to Become An enthusiastic person

  1. One of the important things to remember is: “. To be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic” This could sound a little strange, but it can be a tremendous help. It is the same old advice: “Do it, and you’ll be there.” In other words. do it, or play, and you will have the power it generates. At times you may not feel very enthusiastic, but force you to act enthusiastic. You will find that it works.
  2. Goals are important; they drive interest. If you have a goal and work, interest will follow. Let your mind go with excitement; think about the rewards and sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goal. Let the anticipation build. and when you finally reach the goal to move on to another.
  3. Concentrate on things you want. Thing you want to do always make you motivated. Think about what you want to do most, and spend as much time doing it as possible. If there is more than one thing to do them all.
  4. Do not let negativity suppress your interest. Negative thoughts like worries about whether or not you will succeed destroy enthusiasm. Do not let them sidetrack you; get rid of them as soon as possible. Think positively and move forward. In particular, do not let the negative people affect you.
  5. Keep your energy up. It takes energy to be enthusiastic, but at the same time interest generates energy. So eat well, sleep well, exercise and drink plenty of water.
  6. If your job or project you’re working on does not seem to make you enthusiastic, looking for positive things in it, and focus on those. Try to build on them. Learn more about the job or task is also useful and can increase your interest.
  7. Take inspiration from children. Children are naturally enthusiastic. So many things are new to them, and in most cases they have not experienced problems and setbacks as an adult has, so they have a natural optimism.
  8. Do enthusiasm in your heart. Interest begins in the brain when you think about something you want to do and start doing it. But it builds best when you start feeling it in your heart – in other words, when you start to feel love for it.
  9. Remember, enthusiastic people are not smoking. Too many people quit when the going gets tough. Enthusiastic people use their interest to get them through the rough stretches.
  10. relax, have fun and enjoy yourself.


Source by Barry R Parker

How to Improve confidence – Master Law of Attraction


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there on,” said Theodore Roosevelt, who recognized the true potential of the human being. Unfortunately, most people do not reach the deep level of thought and experience little or no results in their lives, because they lack confidence.

In today’s society we can not afford to learn how to improve confidence. If we want to progress and succeed in life, if we want to get things done and achieve the impossible, we need to start building our character, we need to call in self highest potential that we can be.

So, how do you add confidence? That is the million dollar question …
It all starts with a thought. Think you can do it! Henry Ford knows very well that “if you can, or can not, you’re right.” In other words, what you believe about yourself, you will.

In addition, you are here today because the recent repeated your thoughts. What you think about yourself before you say or do anything, is planted on a subliminal level, the subconscious mind, seed operations.

If you say constantly to yourself things like: I can not, I’m not good, I’m not sure how I do not know how to … but do you know what will happen? You will get exactly what you think! Ask and you will receive is not just a saying – it’s true law and how the visible and invisible universe.

Successful people have the confidence, self-esteem and self-respect because they know the true hidden power of human nature, and they plant the right seeds in the right time, which means they build continuously their mind and attitude as CEO would build their business – from the ground up, with close attention.

A key to improving confidence plays on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life and the environment pretty much what you think about or believe in. And if these thoughts are also attached to feelings or emotions, they attract what you think about with even more force and power, like a magnet.

This is very important because if you want to improve your confidence, you need to realize that all thoughts of insecurity and low self-esteem, when mixed with feelings of fear, anxiety and disappointment will only attract more fear and insecurity and low self-esteem.

I recommend using the law of attraction in a different way … conscious rather than subconsciously.

Select your thoughts every day. Select thoughts confidence and ability. Mix this thoughts with feelings of gratitude and you will soon realize that confidence is improving, simply because you say so. Consciously.

The Law of Attraction works for both types of people: those who believe that they are great and deserved success, and those who believe that they are poor and deserved misery or failure. The question is: What do you think about yourself? And how do you put new thoughts into your mind to attract success instead of failure?

One way is to use affirmations and statements. Write down positive words, inspirational quotes and motivational words on a daily basis. Repeat this again and again, several times a day, first thing in the morning, throughout the day and late at night, or before you go to bed. Make them part of your thinking habits, and eliminate and replace non supportive thoughts every time you are aware of them.


Source by Dr.

Fail your way to success – Donald Trump, Thomas Edison & Ellen DeGeneres all agree!


As I have discussed and studied serial entrepreneurs like Andy Kurtzig *, founder of Just Answers (R), I have learned that they do in fact all part of a couple of key characteristics of personality. They also usually have immediate family members who had those same skills. We’ll get to the handle or the nature of the discussion at this time and it is not relevant how they achieve these skills so much as it is important to understand that they have these qualities. Let’s look at some of the quotes that are some of my favorite and then analyzed to produce three characteristics possessed by successful people. And the final question is, “Can you achieve these qualities, or more so, when you have them?”

Here is my favorite quotes about success and failure …

1) “The Phoenix will burn to occur.” – Janet Fitch

2) “. What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate” – Donald J. Trump

3) “. It is a blip , not catastrophe “- Donald J. Trump

4)” Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be “- John Wooden

5) “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy

6) “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” – Donald J. Trump

7) “. It is a failure that gives you the proper view of success” – Ellen DeGeneres

8) “Success is not final, failure is not fatal :. It is the courage to continue that counts “- Winston Churchill

no one in their right mind would take all these names from science, real estate, entertainment, wartime leader, and say they have nothing in common. They would be wrong. There are three common in all these statements, I completely agree with my results after more than a decade of interviews and study people with three performance characteristics.

What are these three properties …

1) Drive. Even ion face almost certain defeat basketball player who wants to last three points on the board. The wartime General will keep the city early certain defeat. A TV entertainer like Ellen, etc. have the drive to get up in the morning and perform some local shows, or first get up in the low-brow bar and have the drive to push forward their!

2) Optimize. As to point to the number “1” above. These leader or entertainer has to believe in their own mind, that things will get better. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not a train! It is also what I call the developed part of the success formula. You are confident that you can fix, or evolving, policy and still be successful later.

3) Big Thinker. Again, without the number “1” and the number “2”, this feature is not available. If you are going to build a ten-unit apartment building, why not 500? If you can hold 50 people at the bar laughing, why not millions? If you can take a bridge, or a city, why not all of them.

In short, my quote that I gained from all my research is “Fail, develop and go!”

I read an article about not having recently by one of my LinkedIn (r) contacts which describes itself as “Deborah / Hodges” wrote an article titled, “When it’s OK to fail?” In this article she describes what I call progress partly my reference above when she wrote this:? .. ​​”But it was a failure On paper yes For me personally though it was a huge success I’m a bit annoyed I did ‘not make more in terms of the acquisition on the street … “

So, to be successful in any venture, the TV, the leader or the plain old person, you have either of these qualities since childhood, or you spend the better part of a decade train yourself to have these advantages. I suggest that every person, whether they are mentally challenged, the local mechanic, Pizza shop owner, or Anybody on this planet, can succeed if they “Fail, develop and go on”, can succeed.

PS: Good Luck Good “succeeders “! * Andy Kurtzig not agree, and is not aware that this article. Ellen, Churchill and Trump did though! Just fun!


Source by Rob Thrasher

The Rock and Roll wisdom Spinal Tap Quotes


When it comes to quotable efforts rock and roll is not very high up on the list, but oddly, rock and roll movie, 1984 this is Spinal Tap, is highly cited. Chances quoted line from the level where Spinal Tap lead guitarist Nigel Tufnell (Christopher Guest) shows the documentary film director Marty DeBergi (Rob Riener) how much more powerful amplifier than his other bands. The volume control amplifier from setting 0 to a high of ten, but Nigel is custom amp has volume keys knobs that go to eleven. “These go to eleven” has been cited many times by musicians over the years and not just to brag about how high they can get, but for a wide range of items and activities that more is best.

When the manager Spinal Tap Ian Faith (Tony Hendra) lobs derogatory sexual time a hotel clerk (Paul Benedict), he responds calmly, “I’m just the way God made me, “invoking the nature verses nurture argument. One of my personal favorite happens when the band run into acquaintances played Howard Hess Eman in the lobby at the same hotel and said, “we’d love to stand around and chat, but we have to sit down in the lobby and wait for the limo.” In other words, I’d rather do nothing and wait to continue talking to you. This line shows clearly brotherhood among professional musicians. When told the record label of their choice of album cover was rejected because of the inappropriateness of her band mates Nigel and David St, Hubbs (Michael McKean) Consider the observation that “there is such a fine line between stupid and clever.”

When I was in high school, Columbia Studios fired a low budget film in my school who had shooting title; The Young graduates. Several of my friends and I appear as extras in the movie playing high school students, as I’m a method actor. One of the stars of the film, the young Bruno Kirby, published in this is Spinal Tap that rudly limo driver ignored them. He takes their lack of interest in personal his hero, Frank Sinatra, in step and explains Marty DiBergi, “When you’ve loved and lost the way Frank has, then you know what life is about.” Exactly.

One of the last notable quotes in the film and one of the greatest rock and roll quotes of all time is drummer Mick Shrimpton’s (RJ Parnell) brutally honest confession ; “As long as it is, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll.” This is particularly impressive if you rock musician large number of drummers you will meet invariable will tell you that they are really playing jazz. Sex and drugs are OK, but if that’s all I wanted and not care about the music, I would just be a pimp.


Source by Neal R Warner

“The Day That Turns Your Life around” by Jim Rohn – A Program Review


The Day That Turns Your Life around. “Remarkable success ideas that can change your life in an instant.”

In this six CD, 12 lesson plans, motivational master Jim Rohn shares the story of his life changing day with you, and shows you how to consciously create conditions that make a dramatic lasting transformation not only possible, but inevitable. life changing day Jim incidents involved a Girl Scout. That incident led him on a trip to the height fame that few of us will ever achieve. Have you had a life changing day yet, or are you still waiting?

Some people spend years, and even their whole life waiting for the magic moment that will change their lives for the better. But these people whose lives really do change in dramatic ways, can almost always trace the change back to something much simpler than magic. One moment, one implementation, one action, one step to place them in a completely different way – and eventually led them to their dreams.

The good news is that once you understand the four emotional states that can change your life, you can create them within yourself at will, rather than waiting for external conditions to activate them.

Let’s look at 6 CD of this great program. Each CD is divided into two sessions, making 12 sessions in all. Here are some tidbits from the meeting:

Session One – “Today is a new day” – Jim shares with you the day that turned his life around, and focuses on the adventure of life – the little devil on one shoulder and a little angel on the other – both give advice. What voice are you listening to? He ends the session with a history of “making something out of nothing.”

Session Two – “The Major Ingredients Life Change” – Jim talks about the emotions that can change your life, and shares some ideas to live by; “Profits are better than wages – Wages make you a living, profits can make you a fortune”, and one of my favorite “Do not wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

Session Three and Four Session – “How to Make a Life, not just live” – ​​Jim short list of good life and wisdom among “Beware of what and who you will be, in the search for what you want.”

Session Five – “The Pro vs. as; keys to thriving in difficult times” – Jim shares the greatest shocks him and what he did to bounce back – and, by showing the difference between professional and amateur response to problems – shows how you can do it too.

Session Six – “Financial Strategies for New Age” – Jim philosophical foundation for financial independence, and his proposal to achieve wealth as well as to give and share. Stuff they do not teach in school, and tips parents should follow their children.

Session Seven – “How to protect your time” – Time management essentials to help you achieve your goals. How to avoid “being online but off-track”.

Session Eight – “Where True Wealth Lies”. – Analysis of the core values ​​of your cultivate your “inner circle” and the challenge of balancing work and family and become a world-class “parents and grandparents

Session Nine -” The Goal Setting Workshop “- .. Great meeting Jim really takes you through personal goal-setting workshop from one of the icons of their courses

Session Ten – “success can be a simple” – a simple method Jim to life learned from the “Things my mother taught me” and how he uses hard and fast decisions to simplify their lives.

Session Eleven – “the Magic of Mentor” – Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Jim personally, through their books and programs he has been one of my mentors for many years, and I can attest to the “Magic Mentor” he discusses in this session. he goes on to show how you too can be a mentor, and make a difference the lives of others.

Session Twelve – “leadership skills for the 21st century” – leadership skills wisdom out with funny words like “Do not expect a pear tree to bear apples” and ends with the story of the frog and the scorpion ( “it is what scorpions do “).

In summary, if you are you are unhappy or dissatisfied with your life, and want to change it, “The Day That Turns Your Life around” will give you the tools to make the changes you want . And, as Jim says, you will be amazed at how quickly and easily it happens. I recommend this program. It is possible to turn your life around!


Source by Dick Bendtzen

Motivational Stories: The Story of Winston Churchill


Winston Churchill stuttered as a child. His father, who had wanted his son to become a lawyer, thought Churchill was retarded because he did poorly in school, most of the time finish near the bottom of the class. Churchill failed sixth grade, took three full terms to get to the next grade in mathematics, and was rejected by both Oxford and Cambridge. Churchill’s father advised him to pursue a career in the military. The following advised his father, he then applied to join the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, the British equivalent of West Point in the United States, but he failed the entrance examination, twice! After intense instruction and much stuffing, Churchill squeaked a third time round.

After graduation, Churchill in the British Army, a career that seemed to suit him. By 1911 he had become First Lord Admiralty, pretty amazing is not it? He filled the position for four years. In 1915, during World War I, Churchill helped engineer unsuccessful battle, named Gallipoli Disaster. Although some argued that the blame for the failure lay with tactical commanders, Churchill took the blame and responsibility, hence got demotion. Not too long after, he remarked that the issuer News of the World, “I finished. It’s over for me.”

The comments proved to be far from the truth. Churchill held a variety of positions in 1920, he showed the real value of his head. When World War II broke out, Churchill was appointed First Lord of re Admiralty and became a member of the War Cabinet. Early in the war, Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister, resigned. Winston was the overwhelming choice to replace Neville. He took the position and helped lead England to victory. Despite the success of Churchill, he was heavily defeated in his bid for prime minister in 1945. Many historians believe that his success as a wartime leader led people to believe he could not perform as well in times of peace.

Nevertheless, six years later, Winston again became prime minister, a position he held until he resigned in 1955. When not serving the government Winston spent time writing his books in English and world history, he won the 1953 Nobel Prize in literature.

From failure and rejection of the Prime Minister of Britain. Winston Churchill is considered one of the most successful leaders in the history of war (World War II).


Source by Jeremiah Say

Spring Quotes – Top 30 Quotes of spring


  1. “Is it such a little thing to enjoy’d sun, have been found in the spring, to have loved that thought, have done … “- Matthew Arnold
  2. ” in the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ” – Margaret Atwood
  3. “Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.” – Al Bernstein
  4. “An optimist is the human personification of spring.” – Susan J. Bissonette
  5. “? Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring” – Neltje Blantyre Chan
  6. “. Autumn comes early in the morning, but spring at the end of winter day” – Elizabeth Bowen
  7. “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. ‘If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome” – Anne Bradstreet
  8. “. Happiness is like a sunbeam , the least shadow runs, but adversity is often as the rain of spring “- Chinese Proverb
  9. “. When spring comes the grass grows by itself “- Tao Te Ching
  10. “sweet springtime is my time is your time is our time for us is love time and viva sweet love.” – Ee cummings
  11. “A little Madness in the spring is wholesome even for the King.” – Emily Dickinson
  12. “.. We are reformers in spring and summer, but fall to stick with the old reformers in the morning, and conservers at night” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. “Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today, and give us not to think so far away and uncertain harvest; keep us here all simply in the springing of the year. ” – Robert Frost
  14. “Spring sprang suddenly on the land.” – Jean Giono
  15. “Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing substances sunny spring day.” – W. Earl Hall
  16. . “I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face” – Langston Hughes
  17. . “Winter is on my head, but eternal spring in my heart “- Victor Hugo
  18. “. Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world “- Virgil A. Kraft
  19. ” Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. ” – Doug Larson
  20. “One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving murk March thaw, is the spring.” – Aldo Leopold
  21. “If spring came but once a century instead of once a year, or burst out with the sound of the earthquake and not in silence, what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts to see the miraculous change . “- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  22. ” Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will now disappear, taxes last us all year. ” – Ogden Nash
  23. “The difference between a gun and a tree is a difference in the speed of the tree explodes every spring ..” – Ezra Pound
  24. “.. Spring has returned the Earth is like a child that knows poems” – Rainer Maria Rilke
  25. “Spring is when life’s alive in everything.” – Christina Rossetti
  26. “. If I had my life to live again I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall” – Nadine Stair
  27. “.. My favorite season of the world’s spring Everything seems possible in May “- Edwin Way Teale
  28. “. spring experience in immortality “- Henry David Thoreau
  29. ” spring reconstructionist is true. ” – Henry Timrod
  30. “Spring is a heart full of hope and shoes full of rain.” – Unknown


Source by Danielle Hollister

Who sees ‘When life gives you lemons’ Quote?


When life gives you Lemons Make Lemonade “and all its peculiarities is perhaps one of the best known of the words, but who found it first? There are two candidates for this honor actress Joan Collins (* 1933) of “Dynasty” fame and motivational writer Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), perhaps best known for his book “How to Win Friends and influence People.”

as always when it comes to the question, who first said something went viral, a specific decision is hard to do, but there are several indications that point to Mr. Carnegie and the original inventor of the “Life Lemon lemonade ‘concept. First he lived until Joan Collins, else he often mentioned as the one who said it first. Unfortunately, it is not documented when he uttered the first words, the original Dale Carnegie quote is said to be: “When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” and has subsequently been adapted for modern use of language with numerous people. The meaning behind it is easy to understand, if something happens to you that you do not like, use it to make something out of it that you do like. This is the third reason for Dale Carnegie is probably the author, as it fits in seamlessly with the rest of her teaching philosophy.

? and what about Joan Collins when she became famous, the saying had already gone viral and was present in the mind a lot of people her version of “. If life throws you a lemon -. make lemonade” became widely known through the ‘new’ media such as television and the internet, which was not available at the time Dale Carnegie lived. In short, you could say that while Dale Carnegie invented the original quote, Joan Collins made it famous and thousands of people took up the idea behind it, adding their own twist to this famous saying.


Source by Sybille Yates